Monday, January 28, 2013

The road less traveled

As you will probably learn, I have a tendency to live outside of my head.  I speak before thinking, have trouble with editing, and can have the attention span of a tsetse fly at times.  Now, while I am seriously trying to work on parts of these character traits, they have recently manifested themselves with regards to how I go to work every morning.

For the first couple of weeks, I followed Garmin's directions to the office which had me getting on the major highways and landing me at the office in about 20-25 minutes.  I found that I am still very adept at driving the bypasses and negotiating rush hour traffic.  The only thing that is any issue at all is the fact that the drive can be a rather dull one.

Then, one of my staff members mentioned that I could take Westheimer Road straight to the office.  As you can well imagine, this thought intrigued me to no end so I gave it a try and sure enough it was true.  The downside was that it nearly doubled my travel time because of the street lights.

Westheimer Road is basically a long "strip mall" full of restaurants and shops.  Everything from the seedy pawn shops and taco/burger joints sitting right next to high end Galleria stores and Ruth's Crisp steak house.  British Pubs, "Adult" nightclubs, Brazilian steakhouses, a Fondue restaurant (I still giggle at that notion and simply HAVE to try this place), Ikea, and everything in between. Driving through the glittering downtown and through some of the Houston slums.  There is simply a plethora of visual images to drink in...

As I am sure you have guessed by now that I am going to stick with the road down Westheimer.  I will always keep the highway route in mind for those times that I have the need for expediency, but having that visual, ever-changing pallet is too much for me to give up.  So, I will leave a little earlier...for now.

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