Monday, November 17, 2014

Little Mr. Cranky Pants

It is just desserts, you know... but I am still not happy.

I have spent the last two years extolling the benefits of living this far south to those friends and family members that live up there in the hinterlands.  I have literally called my dear, sweet, seventy year old mother in January while she is suffering through two feet of snow and temperatures in the single digits.  I have called her to tell her that I may need her to send me an "emergency sweater" because it might get down to 50 here.  I chortled heartily as she used language that I never imagined her using in conversation.

Well, this week it got down below freezing here in Houston.  Yep, below 32 degrees...and it is only mid-November.  I thought I left behind all of this nonsense, but here it is.  I now have to bundle up and occasionally blow into my hands.  The furnace is on and the comforter is on the bed.  Yuck.

But all in all, I still say that I have the better end of the stick.  You see while I am experiencing this bit of a cold snap right now, it will be back up to the mid-seventies by the end of the week when I have a special friend coming down to visit.  My folks and friends up north will still be stuck in this until April.

Can't wait to call them...

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