Thursday, December 4, 2014

I moved...

A few posts ago, I mentioned that I was looking for a new apartment.  Well, over the Thanksgiving break I picked up and moved to the new place.

The doctor says that I will be out of traction in a few weeks...

Seriously though, I am as sore as sore can be... and even though that is whining for the sake of whining I have to admit that I have a whole new respect for movers.  Pushing a sofa up a flight of stairs is not easy.  Thank god I had a wonderful friend helping me with the heavy stuff.  She (and her daughter) were a god-send.

Another aspect of a move was the discovery of just how much stuff there was hidden in closets, in drawers, under beds, and lying about the floor.  I was in the last apartment for two years and I accumulated a LOT.

Now I have boxes piled up in the new place.  Boxes upon boxes.  I tried to empty them as I brought them over but as the end of the week got closer and the panic started to manifest itself, the boxes just started to get stacked.  I now have my weekends planned out for the next few weeks.

But it will be worth it... I now have a sushi place, an Italian restaurant, a pie shop, and a couple of Indian restaurants within walking distance.  Yay me!

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