Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Back in the Saddle...

The Web guy and the Web kids
I sincerely hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday break.  I made the insane 14 hour drive up to the frozen north to see my family.  Now when I say insane drive, please take that with a grain of salt.  Sure 14 hours is a long time to be driving, but what I am referring to with my quip is the scenery during the trek....specifically a certain three to four hour period between Little Rock, Arkansas and the Missouri line.  'Taint pretty, McGee... (look up the reference).  I actually saw a house that had ten to fifteen mattresses on the front and side lawns.  But the best part was that the mattresses seemed to have multiple burnt holes in each of them.  It was as if they were experimenting with explosives... 

The trick to these marathon types of drives is to simply put your head down and bull through my father has always done.  No, actually it helps to get out of the car periodically.  I always get out for a bit (get a drink/snack) when I fill up the car and get out about half way between fill ups.  I cannot stress enough how wonderful a bluetooth ear piece is as well.

A wonderful time was had by all as you can see by the picture.

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