Tuesday, April 21, 2015

More than the buildings

Houston skyline
It is more than the buildings, you know.  More than the seemingly endless shops, restaurants, parks, and theaters.  It really is that people that make this such a great city.  I know that every metropolitan area will espouse the folks that inhabit it, but the case for Houston is a very strong one for one simple reason.


You see, Houston is one of the most diverse communities in the United States.  The population of Houston is made of folks from all over this country and (for that matter) the world.  Let's set aside the benefits of having people from other countries living here for a moment.  I can make an entire argument about the culture that having folks from all over these United States living here.

For example, I had an extremely enjoyable lunch last week with a colleague who (like me) has bounced around quite a bit.  She has lived in Japan (as have I) and enjoyed experiences in many cities.  It was a charming, funny and informative lunch.  We laughed and picked each other's brains about certain situations.  She is an amazingly wonderful conversationalist that could discuss many topics.

The best part..?  We were sitting in her office having a box lunch.  Now that is just one example.  Every time I go out to a show at Miller, or standing in line at a shop or restaurant, I can usually fall into an enjoyable conversation with someone.  It really is that easy here.

Houston is a city of immigrants and it is that fact that makes this place such a wonderful place to be.

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