Monday, May 18, 2015

Well, it was bound to happen...

It just had to happen at some point.  After nearly three years of attending (almost) weekly performances at Miller Outdoor Theater, there had to be a clunker.  The worst part of it is that it had absolutely nothing to do with the performance but with my fellow audience members around me.

You see, I attended the Houston Ballet's performance of Giselle on Saturday night and per usual, I was in my regular seat in the back corner (stage left) of the audience.  Not sure why, but I always pick that spot.  There honestly is not a bad seat in the house...

Anyway, the evening was marred by folks who decided to carry on conversations right next to me.  The place was packed (both on the hill and in the seating area) and some folks were looking for a seat.  They were a bit vocal.  I understand looking for something but please try to do it without chatting about your day in a normal voice.  Since a number of them could not find a seat, they decided to congregate on the back corner(s).  Ugh!

The ushers did their best to shoo them away, but they were like a herd of cats.  The ushers shoo'd them from right by my seat and then they congregate in another section and when they get shoo'd from there they return to my area.  Unfortunately, I left before the end.  Too bad, because when I could see the stage the dancer were absolutely wonderful.

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